Mixed-use solutions

CREA® stands as your strategic ally by offering real estate market studies that drive informed decisions to optimize the profitability of each project.

Our end-to-end methodology encompasses in-depth analysis

Our studies offer the ability to identify profitable land uses and determine the optimal ratio for specific projects. This personalized insight allows developers to make informed decisions to maximize the functionality and attractiveness of their developments, optimizing their financial performance.

CREA® conducted the market study for the real estate development of Puerta La Victoria, a mixed-use development with commercial area, hotel, housing and offices.

You will enjoy various benefits

Beyond the quantitative aspects, CREA® provides valuable recommendations on the design and location of the development. These suggestions are designed to enhance the attraction of users to the project, improving the overall experience and consolidating the position of the development in the market.

By choosing CREA®, mixed-use developers can rely on strategic decisions backed by market analysis and strategic acumen. We are committed to being your reliable partner to achieve maximum profitability and success in your developments.