Success stories

Real results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our studies

Our clients set the standard in the market

Their real estate investment became a success story also thanks to our experience and CREA®’s 360° feasibility methodology.

Miraflores Shopping Mall (Colombia)

Casa Blanca Shopping Mall (Colombia)

La cúspide Sky Mall (Estado de México)

Arcadia Guadalupe (Nuevo León)

Averanda Encuentro Cuernavaca (Morelos)

Avia (Guatemala)

Corazón Street (Quintana Roo)

Lago Real Shopping Mall (Nayarit)

Manacar Shopping Mall (Mexico City)

Pacifico Shopping Center (Baja California)

Citadina Concordia (Nuevo León)

Citadina Escobedo (Nuevo León)

Citadina La Luz (Querétaro)

What our customers say

Some of our satisfied customers